
Review of Silent Break Security

These are my personal opinions based on my background and training experience.

Silent Break Security

I recently got a lot more information about their classes. I think they sound amazing and I want to post some of the information I learned. Not a review, since I haven't taken the class, but some of my thoughts.

To quote directly from their site:

Silent Break Security sets the bar for quality, customer service, and professionalism. From compliance to sophisticated adversary simulations to collaborative assessments to custom red team tool-kits and training, each customer experience is customized to best help organizations progress in security maturity.

They have several training classes listed on their website:

* DARK SIDE OPS 1 (Malware Dev)
* DARK SIDE OPS 2 (Adversary Simulation)
* RED TEAM ALCHEMY (Offensive Machine Learning)

Visit their main page at https://silentbreaksecurity.com/ for more information, or go stright to their training page at https://silentbreaksecurity.com/training/.

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