
Review of Zero-Point Security - Red Team Ops II

These are my personal opinions based on my background and training experience.

Course Reviewed


This course is online.


The course materials include access to the Red Team Ops course material online (which provides the training mainly in text/graphics with some video content), and access to Snap Labs.

Class size:

The class size is just for you.


The lab environment is for the student only and is not shared.

Estimated cost:

At the time of this review, the course prices were listed as follows (Check the web site for actual prices!)

40 hour lab bundle and course for £425.00

About the Course:

"RTO II is a continuation (not a replacement) of Red Team Ops and aims to build on its foundation. The primary focus of this course is to provide more advanced OPSEC tactics and defence bypass strategies."

My motivation:

It is a red team training class and it looks pretty advanced and I wanted to take it and try and learn more.

My Review:

Registration was easy. I went to their webpage and selected the Buy button next to Course and Lab. RastaMouse had posted a Black Friday coupon on Discord and I jumped at the chance to save 20%. Then I went through normal registration stuff, and got access to the course materials.

I powered my way through the class, finishing the materials quickly because I understood most everything at some level, and then went back and stepped through it again a touch slower.

The class gave me a better understanding of C2 profiles, and some of the evasion techniques.

I almost did a YOLO and signed up for the exam, but decided I actually wanted to go through the lab. And I am glad I did. I took the time to compile and learn stuff, and that came in handy on the exam.


The materials were easy to get through, and the labs were pretty solid and fun to work through.

The Exam:

I thought I was prepared. I had a time management plan. And when I got into the exam, the plan turned to a puff of smoke and vanished.

The exam was nothing like I expected. It was much harder than I was thinking, but I think it was more than fair. I enjoyed it start to finish.

There was plenty of time for trial and error, and I was able to stop/start the exam without any issues, and it was easy to pick up where I left off.

Also, let me echo other people's views. You need a good foundation for this exam. You must know the material in RTO to take the RTOII exam. You should also be familiar with C# coding and Visual Studios.

The CoC:


My two cents:

The class was cool, and I learned a fair amount about Cobalt Strike profiles and antivirus/EDR evasion. The exam was awesome. I highly recommend this class, but it is an advanced class, so you need the basics down before attempting this.

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