
Review of eLearnSecurity - Penetration Testing Student (PTS)

These are my personal opinions based on my background and training experience.

Course Reviewed


This course is online.


The course materials really depend on which version of the course you purchase. With the Elite version, you get downloadable PDFs and videos.

Class size:

The class size single user.


The lab environment is single user.

Estimated cost:

At the time of this review, the course prices were listed as follows (Check the web site for actual prices!)

FREE Barebones (by Invite Only!)
$399 Full
$499 Elite

About the Course:

My motivation:

I don't remember where I got the free invite from, but when eLearnSecurity offered me the barebones version of this course for free, I signed up for it.

My Review:

The course was free, and was an introduction to penetration testing, and since I felt I was still fairly new to pem=netration testing in general, I started going through the materials online.

I would like to upgrade, so I could take the certification exam, and go through this course and do a full review.

We shall just have to see what life has in store for me in the near future, and maybe this will happen sooner rather than later.


The Exam:

My two cents:

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