
Review of eLearnSecurity - Web Application Penetration Testing (WAPT)

These are my personal opinions based on my background and training experience.

Course Reviewed


This course is online.


The course materials really depend on which version of the course you purchase. With the Elite version, you get downloadable PDFs and videos.

Class size:

The class size single user.


The lab environment is single user.

Estimated cost:

At the time of this review, the course prices were listed as follows (Check the web site for actual prices!)

$999 Barebone
$1,199 Full
$1,399 Elite

About the Course:

My motivation:

I signed up for this course in an effort to prepare for Offensive Security - Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation.

My Review:

I read the slides, and I watched the videos, before I started Offensive Security's AWAE. The two courses are very different (from what I recall), and I don't know what helped and what didn't help (but having extra knowledge about web application penetration testing didn't hurt at all and probably helped however I just don't recall how). So to do this course, and this review, justice, I am going to stop for now and come back to this later when I go back through the slides, videos and take the certification test.


The Exam:

My two cents:

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